But, How

How do I make this happen? How do I even draw a breath?

Inspiration doesn’t come softly. It assaults me from all angles. A song, a bit of fabric, a flare of light at the right moment. It grabs me by the throat and drags me under. My brain runs, wild and rabid, and I wrestle it into form. Success happens through sheer brute force organization

There is no stillness. I am drowning in the splendor of my visions. It’s barely controllable. I grip the chaos, hold it steady just long enough to make something tangible. I am a one-woman show, pulling together what most would need a team for

I don’t just show up. By the time I step onto a location, I’ve already been there three times, maybe four. Or studied it furiously online so I know every venue. I know where the light will land, how the shadows shift, and whether the wind will work for or against me.

I use AllTrails, Instagram, Maps, Lumos, Tides, Google Images, and anything else I can get my hands on to predict and control the uncontrollable. Cloudy? Harsh light? Deep shade? Doesn’t matter. I already know how to use it

Others may leave this to the one looking through the lens. I don’t. This scene is mine before the shutter even clicks


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I have styled since I was a child. It only makes sense to cover myself in something. Every inch, every surface, wherever possible. I adore a highly stylized look, and at the same time, I love the challenge of simplicity. When I get into a concept, I lean in hard

I drip with pieces. Crystals tangled in macrame, rhinestones catching the daylight, metal pressed against my skin, chains tracing my collarbone, chiffon clinging, shifting, slipping. Every detail is deliberate. I start with excess and strip it back only if I must

Matching matters. Tones must be right. No choice is accidental. Nothing is left to chance that doesn’t have to be


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I detest model poses. I’m not here to replicate something stale, something rehearsed. I want our snapshot in time to feel real, like you’ve just caught me, a fraction of a second before I turn away. As if you’ve stepped into my universe, mid-motion, uninvited

If I hold a hard pose, it’s for a damn good reason

Instead, I move. Unhurried, deliberate, constant. Micro shifts, gradual but perceptible until the flash ignites. I give just enough time, just enough rhythm, for you to anticipate me. To catch the moment before it disappears. I’ll do it over and over, again and again until we capture something magical


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This doesn’t end when I step in front of the lens. I’m not just standing there, waiting. I’m watching. Learning. Adjusting

I’ve spent time understanding the technical side of lighting and photography, not because I have to, but because I refuse to be a passive subject. I know why you choose certain settings like your shutter speed or ISO. The trade-off between light and grain

I know how to move within the frame 

From where you choose to bounce your strobe to how the shadows traverse my skin. I see it. I use it. And together, we seize what no one else would


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behind the scenes

frequently asked questions

No. Money muddies the art. I don’t take paid opportunities because it creates an inherent power imbalance that limits my artistic freedom. I do this solely for the love of creating art, and yes, I lose money doing it

01. can i pay you to model for me?

I’m proficient at doing my own makeup and self-sufficient when it comes to my hair. I’ll make it work. But let’s be real, it’s always more fun to collab with other creatives

02. do you require hmua?

Regularly. I’m all over Southern California, but I’d be open to a day or weekend trip within an hour's flight of LA if I can line up a couple of shoots to make it worth it

03. Do you travel?

Definitely my most frequently asked question. I have no idea. Maybe one of these days I’ll pause long enough to sit down and count

04. how many tattoos do you have?

ready to get weird?